Unani Medicine
What is Unani Medicine?
Unani medicine is a time tested scientific medical system that helps to prevent humankind from illnesses maintaining good health and cure of diseases using safe, effective natural regimens. It is an important element of traditional AYUSH medicine which is recognized and governed by Ministry of AYUSH,Government of India. Unani medicine is based on concept of Akhlat and Mizaj, perfect balance of whichkeeps the structure and function of body normal. It encourages innate power of each individual calledas ‘Tabeeat’ to preserve him in the healthy state.
Historical aspect:
Unani medicine founded by Hippocrates (460 – 377 BC) in Greece, developed much in Rome, extensive lypracticed and advanced in Arab and Iran during 8th to 14th centuries, travelled through Iran to India.Hence this system is integration of the knowledge, theories and traditional practices of civilizedcountries (i.e. Greece, Rome, Iran, Arab and India) on certain agreed principles. In India it was propagated by Mughal empires (1526-1857) during which Unani Physicians (named as Hakeem) haddiscovered new forms and formulations. They gained good fame because of their excellent clinical skillsof diagnosis and management. In recent past Hakeem Ajmal Khan was a prominent Unani scholar whostruggled a lot for research and development of Unani Medicine in India. Right from beginning till recentage of modern technology, Unani medical system has been successfully favouring ‘Natural’ approach of prevention, diagnosis and cure of disease.
Prevention of Health:
There are six essential prerequisites known as Asbabe Sitta Zarooriya which are meant for prevention of normal health of mind, body and ecological environment. These are
- Fresh and clean air
- Clean water and balanced food
- Physical activity and rest
- Good Emotions and mental rest
- Moderate sleep
- Removal of morbid materials and retention of essential fluid
Treatment methods:
Basically there are three methods of treatment
- Ilaj bit Tadbeer (Regimenal therapy): This first method includes treatment by just modifications in Asbabe Sitta Zarooriya like modification in diet ant its pattern etc. certain procedures like Hijamah, Massage, Hammam are also part of it which play an important role in the management of several ailments.
- Ilaj bid Dawa (Pharmacotherapy): It uses world wide range of naturally occurring viz. herbal, animal and mineral origin drugs having best possible beneficial effects and of proved safety.
- Ilaj bil Yad or Jarahat (Surgery): Of course it is fact and Unani Physicians have been favouring this approach since its dawn that all diseases cannot be treated by medicines and need surgical corrections.
Need of Unani Medicine:
With the revolution and booming advancement of medical science, although many incurable and life threatening diseases are controlled and treated successfully by conventional allopathic medicine, there are still many thirst areas of illnesses and maladies where modern medical system has failed almost completely. Further, cost increment, dependency on diagnostic machineries and poor clinical diagnostic trends are heavy burden on public living in the developing countries like India. Antibiotic resistance, increasing adverse effects and symptomatic rather than curative efficacy of allopathic system are again disappointing and made the public seek an alternative medical system. It made us to attempt now reviving this older Unani System of Medicine to fulfill the basic health care needs.